This past summer would have looked different only a few years ago. With the oldest married, the second born going away to college and two of the children being in high school this year it brings many changes around our home. The first half of our summer was spent preparing for a wedding. The month […]
Our IKEA and Chalkboard Homeschool Room
What began as a simple love of chalkboard resulted in a homeschool makeover of house-sized proportion. A redo based on learning styles, storage needs and sanity-saving measures. (With plenty of consulting from Master Artist, Nana). Here is our IKEA and chalkboard homeschool room. That first summer we painted the red wall and made our chalkboard […]
An Olympic Start to the School Year
I’m always learning as a homeschool parent. These first few weeks of school I have still been planning our year. Yes, the basics are going on and I’m still gathering resources. Learning about Homeschool Tracker. And discovering things I forgot to order like a Saxon first grade meeting book. But that’s what starting slow is […]
Ultimate Guide to Housekeeping Habits
Here at Habits for a Happy Home we are not all about sparkly, spotless homes. I hope that you have seen, through our Day in the Life series this month, that we are regular sorts of people. Each one of us struggles. Just as our ‘About’ page says, “My hope is that this blog will […]
Duct Tape Epipen Bag and Allergy Awareness Prep
Allergy Awareness and Back to School Each year about this time I make an allergy awareness assessment for my children. Here are a few things I do to prep for the new school year: Check epipen expiration dates. Renew prescription if needed. Make allergy check up appointments. Update the allergy plan paper kept in each […]
A Day in the Life of a Charlotte Mason Inspired Home School
A Day in the Life of a Charlotte Mason Inspired Home School. (Family time – an important part of our lives together) I have been using or should I say inspired by the Charlotte Mason (CM) method since I started home schooling. But lately I haven’t been following it as much as I had planned. […]
Hodgepodge Curricula 2012-2013
Our Homeschool Curricula 2012-2013 Over the last several days I have been sharing our plans for each of our children. Each grade plan plus the tools for teaching the skills and knowledge we desire for them. Using our Hodgepodge Homeschool Method, we pray they will grow in the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord. So, […]
Homeschooling High School at Hodgepodge
My eldest two children are just 20 months apart in age. So, quite naturally they do many of their studies together. They are only officially a grade apart. For the 2012-13 year, they are my 8th and 9th graders. It was a few really busy years when they were both so little. But I’ve always […]
Fifth Grade Kinesthetic Learner: Curriculum and Organization
I’ve talked before about how this is a big year for each of our children. I shared our plans for preschool and first grade yesterday. Tomorrow is for my 8th and 9th graders. Today we focus in on my Middle Girl. Fifth grade. Upper elementary. Last year before middle school. Transitioning to dialectic. That’s big. […]
Kool-Aid Jammer Duct Tape Wallet
Here’s how to make a Kool-Aid Jammer duct tape wallet: Save two Kool-Aid Jammer juice pouches. Rinse and dry them. Find a roll of patterned duct tape. Match two pouches of Kool-Aid jammers together. Duct tape them together, leaving one side open. You’re done!! Enjoy your wallet! Happy wallet, bracelet and bow making! I’ll be […]
Preschool to First Grade Curriculum and Organization
A dear reader asked, “Hi Tricia! Which curriculum you are using this new school year for your little ones?” How did she know I was formulating a series leading up to our Hodgepodge Curricula 2012-2013? There are just too many great resources for our age range of children to put them all in one post. […]
10 Simple Afternoon Art Projects
This summer we’ve just been enjoying some absolutely fun art projects. Many I’ve found on Pinterest. I’ve just been picking those that take little prep and offer marvelous results. So, today I’m sharing a round up of those projects because I know you and your children will enjoy them too – any time of year! […]
Nana’s Berry Easy Cake Mix Cobbler Plus 10 No Bake Recipes
Beautiful berries. Celebrate summer and enjoy a special occasion cobbler. Especially easy with a store-bought cake mix. This recipe works for any berries you come across. Those growing in your garden or those you find at the farmer’s market or the produce section of your favorite grocery store. Nana’s recipe for Berry Easy Cake Mix […]