We give you permission. Yes! You can teach history without a textbook. As homeschoolers, we have the freedom to design homeschool learning to each child, or family-style or in the way that is best for our schedule. Actually, you can do all of that. Tired of textbooks making history boring? Wish you could simplify your […]
Chores For Kids: A Homeschool Mom’s Guide
In this Chores For Kids: A Homeschool Mom’s Guide, Maggie Graham shares tips that will not only help you have a cleaner house, but will also help you raise better humans! Chores For Kids: A Homeschool Mom’s Guide 2 PM EDT – Kids and Chores with Maggie Graham Maggie’s session will answer such questions as: […]
Poetry, Bible Memorization and Picture Study: Classical Homeschooling Made Easy
Julie Kieras makes classical homeschooling easy by gathering beautiful offerings into a Classical Morning Menu. She shares how you can use this wonderful resource in your homeschool! Classical Morning Menus are beautiful content pages to help bring rhythm to your homeschool day. Nine months of materials are perfect for your morning basket or morning time […]
Brain Hacks For Homeschool Moms (just in time for back to school!)
These brain hacks for homeschool moms are just in time for back to school! From a mind-mapping tool to powerful questions, we can all learn from Maureen Spell! Oh how I wish there had been brain hacks for moms when I first started homeschooling! But you and I get to benefit from Maureen Spell’s homeschool […]
Homeschooling Curriculum: How To Choose With Confidence
Homeschooling curriculum is a great tool for teaching our children! But choosing homeschool curriculum from the amazing variety of resources can be overwhelming for sure. Courtney Messick shows you how to choose homeschool curriculum with confidence! Homeschooling Curriculum: How To Choose With Confidence This event has ended. Find How to Choose Homeschool Curriculum With Confidence […]
Art For Homeschool Moms: Relax and Have Fun!
It’s not always easy to find hours upon hours to get lost in art. But, Erin shares art for homeschool moms so you can relax and have fun! She has found that it’s far easier to take small chunks of time or mini moments while the children are otherwise occupied. She says about 5-10 minutes, […]
Helping Homeschool Moms Live Intentionally
I adore that Learning Well Journal focuses on the joys of home and helping homeschool moms live intentionally. This magazine encourages moms in creating a safe sanctuary or haven at home. This safe haven helps lay the ground work not only for learning together and meaningful family discussion but also gives purposeful space for the […]
Make It Your BEST Homeschool
As a fellow homeschool mom, I know what it’s like to feel worn out by all the options online. But I also know that homeschooling can be simple and full of freedom. That’s why these fabulous homeschoolers and I hosted a FREE Your Best Homeschool event! SIGN UP For The Event HERE: Your Best Homeschool […]
Good Books for Homeschool Moms To Shape Your Heart for Homeschooling
Did you know you can help shape your heart for homeschooling with books? These good books for homeschool moms are the ones I read that helped shape and encourage my homeschooling heart. Don’t miss the suggestions from fellow homeschool families at the end of this post as well. When I first started homeschooling I was […]
Homemade Zucchini Bread Recipe
Zucchini bread is one of my most requested recipes, and one of my personal favorites because it has vegetables in it and my kids love it. That is a combination I don’t come by very often. I made this zucchini bread recipe last weekend and we enjoyed it for breakfast on Monday morning and as […]
Mama Ann’s Southern Sweet Tea Recipe
Mama Ann’s sweet tea microwave recipe is perfect every time! Mama Ann’s Southern Sweet Tea Recipe 2 family sized tea bags 2 cups water in a 2 cup, glass, Pyrex measuring cup approx. one cup sugar lemon to taste 2.5 qt pitcher Remove tags from tea bags so the metal won’t spark in the microwave. […]
Early to Rise: The Easy Way to Fit in Quiet Time for the Homeschool Mom
Is it a challenge to carve out morning quiet time with the Lord? Here is an easy way to fit in quiet time for the homeschool mom – with sweet rewards! Why is it that the littlest children are always the first to wake up in the morning? They are so busy all day. Moving. […]
His Kaleidoscope: Navigating New Patterns of Life
Just like a kaleidoscope, no matter what you are going through, God has not lost any of the pieces and beautiful patterns that make you, you. They are all safe in His tender care. As a child, I used to love to play with a kaleidoscope. It was fascinating to watch how it changed with […]