Sliced, dipped, dredged and fried tomatoes equal a plateful of delights as the showcase of veggie night. It’s an annual treat. I make fried green tomatoes maybe twice a summer. Veggie plate night, of course being a frugal way to feed our hodgepodge. And fried green tomatoes, of course being a way to liven things […]
Smoothies: More on Slow Cooker Yogurt
The essence of summer – peaches. Smoothies made with our homemade yogurt. I have timed it the last several times I’ve made the yogurt so that it will be our breakfast the next day. Oh how slow cooker yogurt has changed our lives! Smoothies! Just pour your fresh yogurt into your blender. Add your choice […]
Fear Not, Trust, and Rejoice
It’s that time of year again – time to make your final choices for curriculum and to begin your next year of homeschooling your children. At times like these, it’s easy to feel like you’re making a mistake. Like you’re not qualified to teach your children. Like you’d rather send them to school and just […]
Back to School Big Cook
I always like to have a few favorites socked away for back to school time. This past Saturday turned into an impromptu back to school big cook. What is a big cook? Simply a deliberate attempt to make several batches of family-favorite recipes and freeze them for future meals. It sorta went like this… Because […]
Homemade Pickles: Cooking Fun
Got cucumbers? Nana did! She was given a whole bunch of cucumbers. And guess what we did? We made homemade pickles from the Duggar family recipe like we have done before. Homemade Pickles It goes like this. We rinsed the cucumbers. We got to rinse the jars. We unwrapped the garlic. I loved the way […]
Pimento Cheese: Allergy Friendly Living
I could not let the week pass without sharing the joy over Lil’ Buddy joining the pimento cheese fan club. Oh, Mama Ann’s pimento cheese! But…with the mayonnaise it requires, youngest boy could not eat it. Egg allergy and epipen. But, I remembered that Addapinch posted a pimento cheese recipe with cream cheese rather than […]
Making Prayer a Priority by Melanie Robbins
God answered my son’s prayer for a $85 dollar Lego set with a YES. He found 70 dollars on the ground and with that and what he had in spending and recycling money he was within one dollar of the amount he needed. God showed Nathan that He definitely cares about him (my son is […]
Summer Weather
“Those look like beach clouds.” We must have said that dozens of times this summer. We remember from past beach trips that clouds like the ones above usually mean afternoon thunderstorms. On this day of beach clouds, we decided to purposefully notice clouds, weather, temperatures and wind. We listened to the distant then close thunder, […]
Weather: A Pastels Tutorial
“Beauty puts a face on God. When we gaze at nature, at a loved one, at a work of art, our soul immediately recognizes and is drawn to the face of God.” ~ Margaret Brownley This pastel lesson was inspired by the above photo. That tiny figure out on the beach is my brother. A […]
Grounds in My Coffee
Reaching way back in the archives at Frogs, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tales, this one was originally published when the baby in question was child number three. Funny how I came across this post now that baby number four is nearing the same age… ———————————————————————————————————————————— At 6 AM this morning I stumbled to my coffee […]
You and Your Household
from the July 2009 archives I’m so glad our three-year-old got to be in big church to see her sister’s baptism Sunday morning. The entire service focused on children and was a tribute to this summer’s ministries. The experience made quite an impression on her. I know because this is what I witnessed after breakfast […]
Summer Fun: Third Week of July
More big things going on this week at Hodgepodge! 1. Steel Magnolias play – Getting to meet my friend Jamie Worley (Truvy)! | 2. Vente Sugar-free Mocha Frap on date afternoon | 3. Baby niece asleep on Daddy | 4. Middle Girl’s Knot a Quilt | 5. Eldest Boy’s Snap Circuit Creation | 6. Littlest’s […]
Helpful Habit: Just the Basics
Right now, in these few days before our school year kicks off, I am taking every bit of advice from my friend Cassandra in Rest, Mama. She encourages us mothers to rest. “…Most of the advantage you could gain by resting is found here, in the last week or two of summer break, if you […]