This has turned out to be one of my favorite pastel paintings. It really isn’t hard and you will be able to paint a beautiful Easter cross chalk art painting that you can enjoy for years. Let’s get started! You will need the following pastel colors: dark brown, medium brown, bright orange, bright yellow, dark […]
100+ Free Art Lessons for All Ages
Nana and Tricia have shared more than 100 Free Art Lessons for All Ages! Here at Your Best Homeschool (formerly Hodgepodge) we are passionate about reminding you that You ARE an Artist! These are our original, step-by-step, written tutorials. Many have not been updated because our readers started asking for video art lessons. For The […]
Daisy Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial
When Nana was in Italy several years ago she learned how to paint a pot full of daisies with acrylic paints. She adapted what she learned to share with you in chalk pastel form. She shares with you a video daisy chalk pastel art tutorial for all ages. So gather around and enjoy – because […]
Nature Study and Art For Your Homeschool: Dogwood Nature Study and Chalk Pastel Sketches
We had been noticing the dogwood blossoms for a full week as we went back and forth, in and out of the neighborhood and thought it was time to take an up close look. It was time for a dogwood nature study and chalk pastel sketches. I only went out for a walk and finally […]
Cherry Chalk Art Tutorial
Here we are in February and I thought that a painting of cherries, in honor of President George Washington, would be a great way to pass an afternoon! A cherry chalk art tutorial. Cherry Chalk Art Tutorial You will need the following pastel colors: bright red, dark red, brown, black, palest pink, spring green (light […]
Old Shed in the Snow Chalk Art Tutorial
This is an actual building still standing after over 100 years. Originally this shed was a kitchen, built separate from the main house because of the heat and possible fire. It is on family property and houses yard machinery and equipment. Today, we make it into an Old Shed in the Snow Chalk Art Tutorial. […]
Mug of Hot Chocolate: A Pastels Tutorial
Enjoy a mug of hot chocolate in chalk pastels with this step-by-step tutorial! When I shared the Sketch Tuesday topic, ‘something you drink’, with Nana she decided we should make a mug of hot chocolate with pastels! She didn’t even know we’d planned to stir up our own hot chocolate mix. Mug of Hot Chocolate […]
10 Cool Ways to Use Chalk Pastels
These fun and messy chalk pastels sure bless us. We know they will bless you too. You can build a love of art and some simple joys with this frugal medium. So here are 10 Cool Ways to Use Chalk Pastels. If you aren’t already sold on chalk pastels, then you will be soon… 10 […]
A Clean Slate – Planning and Dreaming for the New Year
In my time with family over Christmas and in these days leading up to the new year, I have been reflecting. Reflecting on God’s goodness. His constant provision. His direction and love over our family, our homeschool. We started with a clean slate planning and dreaming for the new year. We sat down as a […]
A Snowy Evening Chalk Art Tutorial
One of our favorite Five in a Row books is Stopping By the Woods on a Snowy Evening. Of course the poem is by Robert Frost. And this being the start of winter, it is a perfect time for a snowy evening chalk art tutorial. We love the illustrations by Susan Jeffers. Looking for a […]
Christmas Lights Art Tutorial
Chalk pastels and construction paper are such a good match. A piece of black construction paper truly shows off some Christmas lights art. And this tutorial is fun for ALL ages! Make as many strands of lights as you’d like. You can make your lights all white or colorful like ours. You may even decide […]
How an Art Box Inspires Artists
I often hear fellow mamas say that they would love to offer their children more chances for art every day. That statement is usually followed by: but I…Let me offer you a simple solution. An art box. Let me share how an art box inspires artists. How an Art Box Inspires Artists See, I am […]
Astronomy Chalk Pastel Art Tutorial
We have been learning so much about our solar system from Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Astronomy elementary textbook. So, it is time to incorporate some space art! An astronomy chalk pastel art tutorial in the style of the cover of the book. Begin with either a black or dark blue piece of construction paper. We […]