This chalk pastel tutorial is Nana’s third lesson. One of our favorites from the archives, more than two years ago… Nana came by with a surprise. She had her latest pastel picture from class. This sailboat on the ocean, the sunset reflected in the sandy beach – a delight! Nana said this picture was influenced […]
One of my favorite ideas for our Home Educating life
I will share with you something simple I did in my home to try to help establish a habit of feeding the spirit (and brain) at each meal. For my center piece on our table I set a basket with a bible, devotion book, history book and poetry. I am not talking about having a […]
The Hodgepodge Homeschool Method
Our homeschool method is one that came about over time. Would it surprise you to know that our methods truly are a hodgepodge? One ingredient added. Another sifted in. Mixing slowly. Seasoning to taste. Hodgepodge Homeschool Method The roots of our method are classical. There’s a healthy dose of Charlotte Mason enrichment. Plus, the unit […]
Recipes for Great American Backyard Campout
I am so excited to be participating in a wonderful link up all about the upcoming Great American Backyard Campout this Saturday, June 23rd. Today’s participants will encourage you in many ways. Be sure to visit all the sites listed at the end of this post to inspire you to have fun camping with your […]
Southern Living’s Strawberry Pretzel Ice Box Pie
Now I must start by saying that this is much more time than I usually spend on making any sort of meal or treat. However, as the recipe says, this is worthy of a special occasion. And oh sweetie pie! Indeed it is. Take a gander at the photos and I’m sure you will agree. […]
Hodgepodge Gardens
Loving Creator, help me reawaken my childlike sense of wonder at the delights of Your world! ~ Marilyn Morgan Helleberg Amongst the patches of Georgia red clay and overgrown rose bushes that hang over the way… even amidst the backyard play, there are things that grow every day… A new daylily. Some from my Daddy’s […]
Ten Christian Resources for Adolescence
When the children turn twelve the much-anticipated trip with dad becomes a reality. The four oldest have already enjoyed their special trips.The oldest who is now twenty-one went skiing in Colorado the second and fourth born children chose a trip to Disney World. Preacher daddy saves frequent flyer miles to help make these special times […]
10 Nostalgic Read Alouds
I love old books. By just looking at the covers of those pictured above, I can hear my grandparents’ voices in my mind. On those special nights my brother and I got to spend the night at their house, they would open a My Book House book or another favorite. Precious memories. So, even more […]
Child Training Bible Review
The Bible is the tool for life. The resource for parenting. The Child Training Bible (CTB) makes it easy to use as just that. I received the Child Training Bible to review right before we went on our family vacation. What a great vacation project it was! Each time I got out the rainbow of […]
Edible Sand and Other Allergy-Friendly Birthday Cake Ideas
How’s a bucket of sand for a 13-year-old birthday cake? Edible sand that is. It was just right for a birthday at the beach. All the ingredients are allergy-safe for our nut-free, egg-free crew. Plus it is just downright fun to make! This is our second year making golden Oreo sand. Be sure to click […]
Alphaphonics and More Learn-to-Read Resources
Today, I’m sharing a quick photo collage of our Vacation Bible School week. But I’m also at The Curriculum Choice with a review of one of the longest-used resources in our homeschool. Alphaphonics was there to help each of our children learn to read. Our youngest, at four and a half, has been doing a […]
10 Flower and Fruit Chalk Pastel Tutorials
With all things blooming and growing, I thought it appropriate to share some beautiful chalk pastel tutorials of flowers and fruit. 1. Sunflowers | 2. Queen Anne’s Lace | 3. Hydrangea | 4. Lily Pad flower 1. Banana | 2. Fruit Bowl | 3. Strawberry | 4. Blueberry Plus, summer wouldn’t be complete without watermelon […]
Making Important, Impactful Decisions Regarding Your Children
We welcome contributing author Melanie Robbins today… We made a big decision a few months ago, one which will have a significant impact on our family. I will not be homeschooling my son Nathan next year. Talk about one of the most important decisions we’ve had to make as parents! Parenting requires an incredible amount […]