Last October, the Human Resources department where I work scheduled a leadership conference. All of the managers and directors for the organization were required to attend. Most of the people I work with thought this would be a colossal waste of time. There was simply too much to do to spend two days away from the […]
Duct Tape Bracelet Tutorial
Hello again. I’m back with another duct tape tutorial. This time a quick and easy bracelet! You will need: colored or printed duct tape scissors Here’s the duct tape bracelet tutorial (just 50 seconds!): You can even find Duck tape brand tape in your favorite team colors. This bracelet I embellished a little […]
Our Food Allergies on a Budget Story
Four epipens go everywhere with the seven of us. We have two children allergic to nuts. One would go into anaphylactic shock if eggs touched his lips. Yet, there is so much food my children can have. Can enjoy. Yes, this allergy-friendly living takes a bit more planning but any good thing does. Yes, foods […]
Lunchtime Variety
Lunchtime Variety I am always looking for quick and easy lunches to make for my boys, so I thought I would share a few of our favorites and hopefully a few of you will share yours 🙂 One of our favorites is Cheesy Crescent Dogs. All you need is a can of crescent rolls, your favorite […]
Egg and Nut Free Hodgepodge
On this gratitude Monday, I find myself grateful for health. Today I share the story of how we found out about the younger children’s allergies. A bit of our recent history – with food allergies in the last four years. See, just when we thought we knew what we were dealing with, we found ourselves […]
Fast Food For Slow Sundays: Tater Tot Casserole
Tater Tot Casserole is a nice, filling meal for Sunday dinner. Just pull your cooked ground turkey or ground beef from the freezer. (The meat you already cooked in the slow cooker after your trip to the store). If you assemble the night before, wait to add the tater tots until right before you put […]
Layers and Levels of Unit Studies 2
Making a salt dough map of Italy as part of our Tapestry of Grace geography studies. This was another one of those weeks when the layers and levels of unit studies were the highlight of our homeschool. There were many subjects that we enjoyed together – all ages. Plus several subjects that overlapped and complimented […]
Helpful Habit: When do you write?
A Hodgepodge of writing? With a busy, homeschooling household there really are no long, quiet stretches of writing time. I have to carve them out. Or snatch them now and then. I have to make the time because it is something I enjoy. I do find it ironic that a post answering my friend’s question […]
Morning light
I have pulled many an all-nighter in my day. I did not hang up my “night owl” ways when I became a mom either. I think I have gotten worse. I can be so much more productive at night! At night, no one screams “Mommmmmy, I’mmmm doneeee!” or “Juice! Please Mommy!” or “Mommy! Ella’s playing […]
The habit of contentment
If you follow me on twitter, you already know I love a great quote. My twitter, for the most part consists of quotes I have come across that I want to remember. As I was thinking and praying about what to share on the Habits page this week, I came across these Scriptures and a […]
Winter Wonder and Weather Walk
Winter wonder and weather walk. We were wet. I love alliteration. And we love nature study. For this start to our winter nature studies, we discussed and filled in the answers to the Winter Wonder questions from the Handbook of Nature Study ebook. We did this on one printed sheet, as a family, during lunch. […]
Duct Tape Bow Tutorial
Hello. Some of my mama’s friends on Facebook saw a picture of my big stack of duck tape. And they wondered what I did with all of it. So, today, I’m going to tell you what I do with it. And I’ll do it with a video tutorial. I make everything with the duck tape […]
The Heart of my life should be a Heart of Worship
There is a beautiful song called the Heart of Worship, and the chorus goes like this……… I’m coming back to the heart of worship And it’s all about You All about You, Jesus I’m sorry Lord for the thing I’ve made it When it’s all about You It’s all about You Jesus Its all about […]